What Are UK Landlords Doing Right Now
The current economic environment has already had an impact on roughly 9 out of 10 UK property investors…
Due to the recent turbulence, portfolio investors have been especially vulnerable to having mortgage refinance products pulled at the last minute. In addition, the costs of property maintenance have risen.
BUT — I’m seeing an increase in cash investors looking to take advantage of a cooling market, as well as a growing appetite for lower-priced properties to take advantage of Stamp Duty tax breaks. There are still a significant number of UK and international investors looking to buy UK property, particularly to avoid holding cash during a period of high inflation.
According to the latest UK Property Survey Report, well over half of the landlords are looking to raise rents again (if they haven’t already), in order to make their investment work for them.
Is there anything else? I’ve seen a few large portfolio owners try to unload one or two properties (the most inefficient ones). Those with smaller portfolios are increasingly investing in improving each property’s energy efficiency, not least to protect against EPC changes.