True or False? The South-East Has the Lowest Yields
Investors frequently compare average yields across different regions in the UK.
And it is usually assumed that investing in locations such as the North-West will provide a larger return for investors.
However, investors must adopt a new mindset
>> The South-East is one of the top ten rental yield hotspots in the United Kingdom.
>>So there are properties in the South-East that can produce some of the highest yields in the UK.
Plus, things aren’t always as they seem when you look into locations with the highest yield.
(For the record, the city of Blackpool in the North West is ranked first.)
>> I have seen a lot of investors agonize over whether or not to invest in a property hundreds of miles away from London.
Because, on paper, their spreadsheet projects a marginally greater yield.
The reality is frequently quite different.
They FAIL to consider other important factors such as property management, tenant type, and the surrounding neighborhood.
Don’t be deceived into thinking that analyzing a property investment can be done solely by looking at typical yields for a UK region — or by reading a spreadsheet.