Splitting Your Business into Saleable Assets to Maximise Value


Splitting Your Business into Saleable Assets to Maximise Value

Most owners aim to sell their entire business as a going concern.

I’ve seen a few recent business disposals take the opposite approach — all were highly bespoke.

The starting point was identifying all potential assets embedded within the business.

If I had to summarise the common characteristics, it would be:

🟩 Separation of all distinct business areas or product lines capable of being standalone.

🟩 Isolation of valuable customer accounts that competitors may acquire for strategic reasons.

🟩 Licensing or selling proprietary technologies or IP.

🟩 Data monetisation via revenue share agreements.

🟩 Carving out commercial property and other fixed assets.

These carve-outs increased valuations by nearly double in one case, compared to a traditional exit…

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