Key Questions For Business Owners Exiting in 2024–25


Key Questions For Business Owners Exiting in 2024–25

You may have this covered already…

But owners looking to exit in the next 12–24 months — ensure the big questions are answered first:

❔ Do I have a clear valuation target and timeline to reach it?

❔ What gaps need bridging to justify that valuation?

❔ How much organic vs inorganic growth is achievable pre-exit?

❔ What new systems, processes, collaborations and team infrastructure are required to scale up?

❔ What partnerships can help maximise valuation and accelerate my exit?

Having these questions answered makes everything else much easier and faster.

#scaleup #nextlevelgrowth #exitlaunchpad #M&A #exit



The Exit Launchpad™
The Exit Launchpad™

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