Hotspots In The UK For Portfolio Investors
Every property owner has a somewhat different perspective on what constitutes the perfect investment portfolio…
Some would diversify their property portfolio by combining numerous property strategies and investing in different areas.
Others will establish a portfolio in a certain niche and area, exploiting economies of scale by owning many properties that require the same maintenance oversight.
So, where are the best places to acquire this type of portfolio outside of the capital?
Portfolios in this region have an average value of £1.4M.
For 7.7 bedrooms
Approximately £178,000 per room
Portfolios in this region have an average value of £1.02 million.
For 5.1 bedrooms
Approximately £201,000 per room
Portfolios in this region have an average value of £1 million.
For 9.7 bedrooms
Approximately £104,000 per room
Data: Octane, Propertydata