Find Your Perfect Acquisition To Grow Your Business
Here’s a quick thought experiment:
If you were aiming to acquire another business to bolster your valuation, where would you look?
When searching for potential acquisitions, we always start with our own database and network, which grows weekly. Chances are, your own network is the first place you’d start hunting too.
But beyond your network, the “most obvious” sources can often be the worst: business brokers, email lists and websites. Why? Because most businesses they list never actually sell — and there’s a reason!
Some of the most attractive acquisition targets you’ll ever find are off-market. The simple reason is they aren’t brokered by characters in shiny suits. Seller expectations tend to be more realistic with less noise from competitors receiving the same emails.
We’ve found no substitute for systematic research, accessing specialists in relevant communities and using the right tools. We’ve developed custom-built infrastructure for the heavy lifting.
Drop me a DM if you want to grow your business by acquisition and are looking to find your own ideal targets.
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