3 Top Partnership Hacks to Beat the Odds
No one wants a failed business partnership…
Yet so many joint ventures, partnerships, and alliances go awry. The pitfalls are endless.
But for me, successful business partnerships share 3 crucial ingredients:
Complementary Capabilities. Partner to access skillsets, customers, connections, capital and opportunities you lack. Avoid just duplicating existing expertise.
Aligned Personalities. Partnerships are about the people. If the deal seems sound but chemistry is questionable — walk away. Inevitable ups and downs are harder with distrusted or disrespected partners.
Constructive Friction. Difference of opinion sparks high-quality contrarian thinking for great decisions. But pointless arguments and disrespect are unproductive.
When it comes to accelerating growth, smart partnerships are in a league of their own. Just be sure to pick the right one…
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